Our portfolio

Our portfolio page shows various applications and programs made for our clients. These applications have been created in various programming languages. Please take a look at some of the applications we have already made:

VB.NET applications

We have already made various scrapers, bots and other applications. Here is a list of some of them. Please keep in mind that we cannot show screen shots due to them being customized and we respect our clients privacy.

  • Company details scraper (getting the names of the company and contact details with certain parameters). We have made various of these kind of scrapers.
  • Applications for monitoring hardware.
  • Torrent scraper & downloader.
  • Blog scrapers.
  • Instagram locations scraper.
  • Various "Key" generators (Used for CPA).


We also make custom website applications. We cannot link any website due to privacy reasons, but we can make various sorts of websites based on HTML, PHP, Javascript, Jquery and Ajax. Depending on the kind of website you require we choose the language.